Monday, August 26, 2013

Epic Penny Pincher

I once pinched a penny so hard Abe Lincoln started crying Benjamin Franklins. This is what men do, and women don't understand. Your wife may question your sanity at time for trying to make things work when they are obviously broken, or repairing things a million times as apposed to replacing them with a new item. Your woman may think it is absurd that you....

  •  Have kept wearing those few pair of socks with the holes in the heal and the toe.
  • Starve half to death because she forgot to make you your lunch and you refuse to buy overpriced food at a drive thru restaurant.
  • You have wore the same tee shirt and shorts one the weekends to do chores (you know, the stained ones with the paint on the shorts and holes in the armpits), because "they are comfortable" or "no one sees me in them anyway, why would I buy new clothes"
  • You drive the car until the tires are completely bald.
  • Clean your shoes with bleach and an old toothbrush rather than buying a new pair.
  • Use a non-smartphone (aka a Dumb Phone) which is 5 years old and hardly works rather than upgrading and paying an extra 20 dollars a month ($240 a year for all you folks wasting cash on a smartphone).
But what your lady my not know is that we do all of this for them and their life would not be the same if we were so frivolous as to buy a new pair of socks! The reason an epic man pinches his pennies is so that they can afford a good life for their wife and family, the kids are always needing new cloths because, though we wish they could be done already, they keep growing. Or perhaps your wife really thinks it would be great to buy a new pair of shoes because she has a closet full but non to wear. An Epic Man is always sacrificing the non-essentials satisfy the desires of the ones they love.

How do you save your money? Comment me to let me know!

1 comment:

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